Apr 13, 2012

Life TV IJzerstaven festival

De IJzerstaven festival - (nog medewerkers gezocht, camera, geluid, floormanagers en schakeltechnici)

op 25 mei van 18 tot 23 uur opening van het festival live
op 26, 27 en 28 mei van 12 tot 24 uur live

Tijdens de Open Ateliers op 26, 27 en 28 mei op de Westelijke Eilanden vindt een spetterend programma plaats in het atelier van Egon Schrama. Niet alleen exposeren hier diverse kunstenaars, maar ook wordt een uitgebreid programma met gastoptredens voorbereid. Meer dan 20 musici en artiesten hebben hun medewerking al toegezegd, waaronder de legendarische jazzmuzikant Sean Bergin, mezzo sopraan Marianne Selleger en de Japanse hardrock gitariste Rei Satoshi. Bijdragen varieren van jazz, pop, klassiek, opera tot performance en straattheater. Wat te denken van een catwalk van etalagepoppen? Drie dagen lang zendt gelegenheidsomroep De IJzerstaven de activiteiten live uit.


Feb 28, 2012

Why A Street Kid?

In the documentary “Why A Street Kid?” the question is raised why so many children drop out of school in Namibia. In Omaheke alone an estimated 11.000 children left primary education or never attended school at all. The children roam in the streets and what can their future be?

In “Why A Street Kid?” street children are interviewed, their parents, former street kids and officials, school principals and policy makers. Without accusing anyone the film tries to find the mechanisms behind the dropout phenomena. In a very open and emotional way the viewer is taken into the world of the street children and their families.

And at points we see solutions in the vicinity.


The 53 minutes long documentary was recorded in Otjiwarongo, Gobabis and Windhoek in January 2012. Matilde Kulo wrote the script after a long research among the Zula boys in Epako, Gobabis and is director to the film. Maarten Rens, filmmaker from the Netherlands recorded the film on location. The Honorary Consul of The Netherlands and Maarten Rens Produkties sponsored the film.

The film was produced in cooperation with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare and the Ministry of Education.

Dec 28, 2011

Alex in Wonderland

Alex in Wonderland is a 52 min documentary I recorded during the creation process of the play in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg.

The theatre show tells the story about a girl from Alexandra, Morongwa, her family and friends with their dreams. Morongwa dreams of being a Star, somebody is dreaming about being a pilot, a soccer player, a dancer, a roll model. When Morongwa falls asleep she and the audience enters a magical dream in which everything is possible. She meets her friends, see them living their dream and learns of her true destiny.

Alex in Wonderland is loosely inspired on the classic story of Alice in Wonderland written by Lewis Caroll. Only now it’s staged in the township Alexandra. The actors are children from ACCSC, the theatre show is a visual strong performance, with stilts, puppets, moving objects that can transform in a Alex shack, a stage, taxi, magic box, soccer stadium and even a airplane.

During a four-month period a theatrical performance is created with children from Alexandra. This theatre performance is a co-operation with Alexandra Child Care and Support Centre (ACCSC), Twilight Theater Organsiation and Ubuntu. After four months of hard work the Stars of Alexandra proudly presents their first professional theatre play: Alex in Wonderland. Finally, now the show is ready to hit the streets of Johannesbrug. The street is the theatre and entrance is free for the community. During the creation of the show the project partner is trained in a theatrical didactic method, to ensure that after the project the partner can continue to work with theatre. And Twilight Theater will stay an important partner for the future of the project

The theatre show will be performed 25 times in and outside of Johannesburg. The premiere is on Friday the 16th of December in Thusong Alexandra! Starting at 5pm.

You can follow the Stars on

Jun 25, 2011

Sean Bergin moodfilm

3 min moodfilm for Sean Bergin documentary

The mothers of the Zula boys.

This is one of the interviews that stays on my mind.
The spoken language is Damara, isolated language spoken in the Kalahari desert of Namibia.

Feb 1, 2011


Special floors by Carine van Steen
Film work Maarten Rens
5 min

Jan 12, 2011

Haunting Nightmare

Haunting Nightmare
A graduation project in Namibia for witch I did camera and editing.
Matilde Kulo is graduating from Colege of the arts section media in Windhoek

Oct 6, 2010

Nieuw werk "Shapes in the desert"

In cooperation with Egon Schrama, sculptor
A project in Iran with students of the Faculty of fine arts, Teheran
Project under development (on hold)

Aug 15, 2010

3rdI installation World expo Sjanghai

3rdI installation World expo Sjanghai, Dutch Pavilion DCC 2010
18 Dutch city developers, students and professionals, modeled ideas for our future cities. In Sjanghai the similar team did the same, in close Skype cooperation. The combined result was exhibited in the World expo in Shanghai. I did the coordination of the Dutch team.

3rdI website
V2 producer website

Mar 9, 2010

"El camino de Carlitos" Broadcast Teleprogreso

Ubuntu Theatre Organisation made a theatre play with street children in Honduras
I filmed it, edited on the laptop, brought it to the TV station Teleprogreso and they broadcast it the day before the première. A massive audience and articles in the newspapers were the result.

Ubuntu Theatre Organisation Website

Nov 9, 2009

Workshop Documentary making in Windhoek, Namibia

This was great to do...

Project Overview
The workshop “My image Namibia” aims at training TV documentary makers in Namibia. The production method of documentary making both in national television and the TV department of the College of the Arts is traditional BBC styled. This results in extended crews and production teams resulting in massive production budgets.
Modern digital technology, small camera’s and editing equipment make it possible to work in very small teams (or alone) to produce intimate and intense TV documentary programmes for small budgets. Sometimes even being 10% of traditional budgets.

Maarten Rens, the workshop facilitator, is a Dutch filmmaker with an expertise in this specific production style. What he will leave behind after the envisioned workshop is a new approach in documentary making, and 4 sets of equipment (small high quality digital camera’s + sound) that will make it possible to continue what has been piloted through the workshop.

The objective of this workshop is threefold
  • Building capacity with the staff and students of the College of the Arts and staff of NBC Television in documentary filmmaking, through one-man/woman crews
  • Come to the production of a 10 to 12 part pilot series of documentaries, all on one specific theme
  • Explore and initiate a permanent partnership between the College of the Arts and the NBC Television for production and airing of similar documentary productions.

Apr 30, 2009

Koninginnendag - Queensday

Queensday, 30 of April in Holland means, everything is possible.
Watch this act:

Jan 12, 2009

Yavaş Yavaş

Women's empowerment in the village, story of men and women in Turkey.

The Dutch filmmaker Maarten Rens is interested in the effect of women's emancipation on the position of both men and women. In this film he exposes in particular the role and attitude of men, and highlights the behaviour and emotions of husbands in a Turkish village. 
The film has been recorded in collaboration with the Turkish female film-maker
Özlem Sariyildiz, at the initiative of Jos Huber (policy advisor for the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment).  

In Turkey the position of women is changing fast.  Images of young, free women in cities as Istanbul and Ankara are seen everywhere. Unfortunately these images are only part of reality. The AK-party with their Muslim signature reigns in a country where the strong secular tradition of Ataturk is much stronger in the cities than it is rooted in the villages. Intense ideological struggle with the headscarf made the Turkish state shake to its foundations. The AKP is committed to achieving membership of the EU. Under that influence the juridical position of women, being equal to men, has been strengthened considerably.  But what happens meanwhile in the traditional villages in the countryside? Are they aware of the judicial changes in personal relationships between husband and wife? What is the role of Islam and traditions in their lives?

The documentary Yavaş Yavaş (Slowly, slowly) shows an emancipation project in a traditional village in the mountains near Bursa, where women started a collective to build and run a restaurant. Women and men in this small community tell their story about the first difficult and laborious steps. The women show disbelief about the resistance of the men. For the women it was of crucial importance to have a place of their own as they were not allowed to participate in the local cooperative for men. The importance of having their own place to meet and to work together is a red line.  The documentary aims to  register the uneasiness following the changes in the relation between men and women and the final recognition of the women’s success. In the end the community was able to find a new balance of power between men and women without losing their important and essential traditions.
What does emancipation in a Turkish village look like from within? We’ll see a group of headscarved women running a restaurant, to finance ‘good works’ for the community with their earnings, in line with their religious conviction.
No public plea or arguing for economic independence for women, but just a project that unmistakable leads to the emancipation of women within Islam.
A moving, passionate and humorous story told from the point of view of both women and men.

29 min Turkish spoken, Dutch or English subtitled. 2009

Nov 3, 2008

Eye Image Damascus

Eye Image Damascus
Exhibitions in Aleppo and Damascus
Workshops for students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Damascus

Eye Image Damascus website

All videos seperately:

Sep 1, 2008


This is a try out film I did with Matilde Kulo in Namibia amoung the Himba people in Opuo

Dec 24, 2007

La Femme et l'amour en Tunisie

Het leven van de vrouw in Noord-Afrika is aan grote veranderingen onderhevig.
Traditionele familieverbanden in het zuiden moderniseren in groot tempo in het op het westen
georiënteerde mediterrane noorden.
Vrouwen in de Sahara en Tunis vertellen openhartig over hun ervaringen en de veranderingen in de
Arabische wereld.

gerealiseerd door:
Anita Mizrahi et Maarten Rens

Tunis/Amsterdam mei 2007
ⓒ Mizrahi/Rens

Aug 12, 2007

Zula II survive

The first film project with Ubuntu Theatre organisation in 2007

"Zula II survive" the film, 40 minutes

The Zula boys on the doc.
The sailing cinema during the art expo in Amsterdam Open Ateliers Westelijke Eilanden 2008
De varende bioscoop tijdens Open Ateliers Westelijke Eilanden 2008

May 12, 2007

Africaserver Magazine

Africaserver magazine 
In 2007 we upgraded the Africaserver into the Africaserver Magazine.
Sub title: African Vibrancies - Het leuke van Afrika

May 1, 2007

CEO van Designserver BV

From 1996 until 2007 I was CEO of Designserver - Production Company for new media.
In 2007 I realized I had become a manager and decided to step out to pick up my old trade, documentary making, new media projects and giving workshops world wide. The company is going fine as you can see on the website: Designserver.

Opening the new studio in October 2000

Apr 10, 2006

Apr 1, 2005

Playing History

In December 2005 I produced a two part documentary series for SABC, the South African Broadcast Corporation. Playing History, the series, is based upon the archive which resulted from my work for the African National Congres, the liberation movement of South Africa in the 1980ties. 2x 48 minutes.

Part 1

Part 2

May 10, 2003

The Netherlands and Trans atlantic slave-trade

The Netherlands and slave-trade website
With 7 pupils from a primary school in Banjul we sailed the gambia river for 10 days. Day and night. The 5 girls and 2 boys interviewed the old chiefs in the villages to hear if they still new what the slave trade was like. Here it is like yesterday....

May 22, 2002

Genocide Serenade

Genocide Serenade
Film 29 minutes 2002 Dutch television
The film shows the famous Ghanian sculptor Kofi Setordji and his 600 pieces monument.

Genocide Rwanda website

Jan 1, 2000

New Media productions

Some of the New Media stuff, CD-Roms and internet, we produced within Designserver Company
during the years 1994 - 2005. Lots of educational software, productions for ministries, NGO's, universities and museums.

Sep 2, 1994

De Dodo

De Dodo (regie/prod) 1994 
Animatie in de tentoonstelling "Het lot van de Dodo" in het Zoologisch Museum Universiteit van Amsterdam


Sep 10, 1993


De strijd tegen het water/Halligen (direc/prod)1993 (Zuiderzeemuseum Enkhuizen)

Leven zonder dijken

Mar 15, 1993

Uit wonen

Deze animatie werd gemaakt voor de tentoonstelling Mimicry in het Zoologisch institute in Amsterdam.

Sep 10, 1991


ROOK, Fish smokers on the Westwal (director) 1991

The ancient technique of fish smoking in the Netherlands

Nov 1, 1990

Nagelaten betrekkingen - Left Relations

Left Relations (Nagelaten Betrekkingen) is the story of Juris Vičs returning for the first time since 1944 to his native country Latvia in 1990. At the time former soviet republic Latvia was in the process of gaining independence from the Sovjet Union. Length 52 minutes. Broadcast in the Netherlands by HOS, November 1990. Film by Remmelt Lukkien and Maarten Rens.

52 min

Apr 7, 1989

Ossewa Rock

Ossewa Rock, Johannes Kerkorrel (editor) 1989 (IKON)

Mar 10, 1988

Before Dawn

Before Dawn (Culture in another South Africa) (regie/prod)1988 (VARA)


In December 1987 500 South African artists performed and discussed the cultural future of South Africa in Amsterdam's main theatres. The film was broadcast in December 1988 in the Netherlands by VARA.

Dec 18, 1987


DOR, low is better, Monasteries in Ladakh (camera/prod) 1988 (NOS)

Togther with antropologist Robert Boozajer I visted the Phiang Monastry in ladakh in 1987. We brought along an Alp horn to compare it with the Dung Cheng, the sacred horn in the monastry.

Sep 10, 1987

Jun 15, 1986

Regels van het huis

Regels van het huis (camera) 1986 (NOS)
Werkteater production

Sep 10, 1985


POLKA, Mexicans in Texas (camera/prod) 1985/86 (Chan C NY) 52 min

The Polka traced from Austria, trough Mexico into Texas: Texmex music.

Mayibuye i Africa

Mayibuye i Africa (Come back Africa) (director/camera/prod) 1985 (VARA)

During the UN Year of the Youth, 1985, I travelled with Anneke Vreeburg, a 20 year old girl from Amsterdam squatter movement, to Johannesburg. Anneke interviewed the active youth during the state of emergency.

Jun 10, 1985

Romeo en Jeannette

Romeo en Jeannette (camera) 1985 (VARA)
Werkteater play acted out on location

Sep 1, 1984


BLEH, gypsies in South-Serbia (camera/prod) 1984

In April 1984 my friend Robert Boonzajer told me het met two Sebian gypsies with trumpets on a railway station in South Serbia. We decided to go there, by car, to look for the brass gypsy music: BLEH music. No violins, no harmonicas, just brass. BLEH

Aug 10, 1984

Fles 6

Fles 6
Tessel and Jona being 1 and 4 years old crawling through Schiermonnickoog

In August 1984 I took my daughters to the far east end of the island Schiermonnickoog. Our Wadden islands are "travelling" to the east. So we walked and crawled from east to west. From the new land to the populated end in 10 days time. As a father I wanted to know how we were together, the three of us. My dauters were 1 and 4 years old at the time.

Dec 15, 1983

Witness Apartheid Aggression

Witness Apartheid Aggression (director/camera/prod) 1983/84

In October 1983 I visited, together with Conny Braam and Fons Geerlings, Lesoto, Mocambique and Angola to film evidence for the Western (European) involvement in the war going on in Southern Africa. One of the hottest fronts in the Cold War at the time. This material was presented at the Public Hearing in December 1983 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This event resulted in the film Witness Apartheid Aggression.

Feb 10, 1983

Doors of culture shall be opened

The doors of culture shall be opened! (director/camera/prod) 1982/83

In December 1982 a conference was held in Amsterdam under the title “The Voice of Resistance”. Towards 100 in exile living artists from South Africa gathered with Dutch artists to debate South African culture in “De Bali” and “De Populier”. The African National Congress and the Anti Apartheid Movement were the organizers. The cultural accord between the South African Government and the Dutch Government had been broken but the alternative accord with the majority of the SA population was not yet established. A vibrant exposure of SA culture is presented in this film.

Dec 10, 1982

Het Nieuwe Bouwen

Het Nieuwe Bouwen (regie/prod) 1982 (Museum Boymans- van Beuningen)
New media installation

Nov 10, 1981

Ik ben er geweest

Ik ben er geweest (director/camera/prod) 
Family portrait in Pretoria 1981

Visit to our family in Pretoria, South Africa. I went there with my 1 year old doughter to do a journalistic experiment in 1981. My idea was to portray an uncommon political situation and not to comment on it in the film. What would happen when I showed the result in the Netherlands? ..The world would never be the same...

Jun 10, 1981

Bolivia, een verslag

Bolivia onder Garcia Mesa (camera/prod) 1981 (IKON)

 Frank Vellenga, Eva Reisel en Maarten Rens

Nov 24, 1979


Afga kookt (camera/prod) 1979
broadcast Achter het nieuws AVRO

May 17, 1977

Sesam straat

26 extremely short documentaries for the Dutch Sesame street 1977

Apr 4, 1977

3 films with Ulay and Marina Abramoviç

3 films with Ulay and Marina Abramoviç

  • Breathing Out, Breathing In 1977 (Stedelijk Museum)
  • Light/Dark 1978 (Stedelijk Museum)
  • AAA-AAA 1978 (Stedelijk Museum)

    Jun 5, 1976


    7 films for the American tour of Genesis (director/camera/prod) 1976