Oct 6, 2010

Nieuw werk "Shapes in the desert"

In cooperation with Egon Schrama, sculptor
A project in Iran with students of the Faculty of fine arts, Teheran
Project under development (on hold)

Aug 15, 2010

3rdI installation World expo Sjanghai

3rdI installation World expo Sjanghai, Dutch Pavilion DCC 2010
18 Dutch city developers, students and professionals, modeled ideas for our future cities. In Sjanghai the similar team did the same, in close Skype cooperation. The combined result was exhibited in the World expo in Shanghai. I did the coordination of the Dutch team.

3rdI website
V2 producer website

Mar 9, 2010

"El camino de Carlitos" Broadcast Teleprogreso

Ubuntu Theatre Organisation made a theatre play with street children in Honduras
I filmed it, edited on the laptop, brought it to the TV station Teleprogreso and they broadcast it the day before the première. A massive audience and articles in the newspapers were the result.

Ubuntu Theatre Organisation Website