Dec 15, 1983

Witness Apartheid Aggression

Witness Apartheid Aggression (director/camera/prod) 1983/84

In October 1983 I visited, together with Conny Braam and Fons Geerlings, Lesoto, Mocambique and Angola to film evidence for the Western (European) involvement in the war going on in Southern Africa. One of the hottest fronts in the Cold War at the time. This material was presented at the Public Hearing in December 1983 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This event resulted in the film Witness Apartheid Aggression.

Feb 10, 1983

Doors of culture shall be opened

The doors of culture shall be opened! (director/camera/prod) 1982/83

In December 1982 a conference was held in Amsterdam under the title “The Voice of Resistance”. Towards 100 in exile living artists from South Africa gathered with Dutch artists to debate South African culture in “De Bali” and “De Populier”. The African National Congress and the Anti Apartheid Movement were the organizers. The cultural accord between the South African Government and the Dutch Government had been broken but the alternative accord with the majority of the SA population was not yet established. A vibrant exposure of SA culture is presented in this film.